Celebrate the Holiday Season With Aloha Farming Rewards and the Aloha Christmas Raffle

Aloha Defi
4 min readNov 30, 2021


This year, there have been several updates to Aloha DeFi, giving users even more ways to make the most out of their capital. From platform revenue to NFTs and a play2earn game to the Aloha Academy, we’re delighted to be providing our users with all the features they need to help their funds grow.

These have come alongside our latest season of NFTs, which is based on the Matrix! Our ambassadors look cool and techno in their shades and coats, and we think you’ll dig the rewards that you might get for being a liquidity provider.

There was a great response from the first program on SmartDEX, and so we’ve decided to up the rewards for the second time around. Read on to see what you can earn if you provide liquidity to the ALOHA/NIOX pool on SmartDEX.

Aloha on SmartDEX

Liquidity provision is a critical part of the DeFi market, and it brings with it so many possibilities. While we ourselves work on related solutions in the background, we also want you to contribute yourself.

As you know, you can provide liquidity to the ALOHA/NIOX pool on SmartDEX. The last time, you earned LP tokens and Aloha for your contributions. With the launch of the dual rewards scheme earlier in November, we added several cool rewards for providing liquidity to the pool.

However, this time, with the festive season upon us, we thought it would be nice to give our community an early Christmas present! This takes the form of even more rewards you can obtain for liquidity provision.

Rewards Farming on SmartDEX

Now you’ve probably heard raving about SmartDEX, which is a decentralized, cross-chain, AI-enhanced DEX that offers a native liquidity mining and market making protocol. It’s proving itself to be a real game-changer, and we’re glad to have ALOHA on it.

The platform is an effort of Autonio, which uses machine learning and deep learning to boost trading performance. The market making app is a cloud-based, low-cost tool that integrates trading strategies. For these reasons and more, we see SmartDEX as being an excellent place to get your DeFi fill.

But, of course, you’re here to hear about the benefits for an ALOHA holder. Well, from November 29 to December 16, the farming rewards for the ALOHA/NIOX pool will be a whopping $10,000! Yes, you provide liquidity, and you gain access to so many more rewards this season.

It’s also worth noting that the kind of NFT you get will depend on how much you stake. The more you stake, the better rewards overall!

That’s not all, though. As we’ve mentioned before, you also get automatic entry into the Aloha Raffle if you provide liquidity to the SmartDEX pool, as part of our dual rewards scheme. But this time, it’s a little bit more special!

Start Christmas Off With the Aloha Raffle!

Firstly, there’s the Aloha Christmas Raffle, which will see the first five tickets drawn earn $500 worth of ALOHA each! Subsequent tickets will receive NFTs from our latest season based on the Matrix. These are five VIP Matrix NFTs, five Ultra Rare Matrix NFTs, and five Special Edition Matrix NFTs.

Remember, you have to have LPs tokens staked for your raffle ticket to count. That is, you can either hold a minimum of 5,000 ALOHA tokens in your wallet, or stake your tokens in the pool to automatically enter the raffle.

Furthermore, the more raffle tickets you have, the more likely you are to win. Each raffle ticket is equivalent to 5,000 ALOHA, so if you have 20,000 ALOHA in your wallet, you have four tickets! That greatly increases your chance of winning prizes, including those sweet NFTs!

The raffle ends on December 16, with the winners revealed on December 17, not long before Christmas. It really doesn’t take much on your part to gain entry into the Aloha Raffle, so there’s no reason you should miss the opportunity to earn more.

Start Providing Liquidity on SmartDEX Today!

On top of that, SmartDEX is a highly functional, feature-filled platform where you can cover all of your DeFi needs. The ML models that have been employed might be particularly useful to you, so check it out — and provide liquidity to the ALOHA/NIOX pair while you’re at it!

With the introduction of these new rewards and the bevy of possibilities already available on Aloha, we hope you will take the opportunity to better your earnings. There’s a lot yet to come, and our focus is to end the year on a bang before moving into 2022 with enthusiasm.

Christmas season is shaping up to be exciting in 2021, after the torrid time that was 2020 for many. With luck and common sense on people’s part, the world could return to a semblance of normality. We at Aloha want to give you a little extra something to be happy about this holiday season.



Aloha Defi

A decentralized open WiFi powered by the community for the community. www.alohadefi.io